View Across The River Clyde

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Really Fed up tonight!

Hi Folks

I have managed to make one card today that comes from the Clip Art Fairy. An eightieth birthday card for a lady.  Not too sure that the person who ordered it will acutally like it, but well I am having one of those days. I am really fed up, don't know what's wrong with me. 

This is just printed onto normal paper and I have added loads of crystal glamour dust, which I just love!, together with a few little gems.  Simple but I hope effective?

Do Crafts 5th Anniversary
This week was the 5th anniversary of the first gallery entry on the DC website.  The card below was entered into a really great challenge, where you had to use things that were available 5 years ago.  It might look quite simple but it still took me ages to work out what to use and where to use things.  In the end it was just peel offs and papers that was used, but I thought it was quite pretty.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Forever Friends Challenge

Evening Folks
Just deciding what to do for my next card so though I would make a post here and add the card I made for the FF challenge which I am hosting over on
This was the second one I did and I am still not happy with it!  I have so many other cards to make I can't mess about with it any longer.  So here it is.
I liked each of the individual parts of the card.   I love the gingham,  I like the image and the other bits but don't think it all goes together.   I was really pleased with the way the flowers look but think maybe I should have tried them on a different style of card.  Hay Ho, you can't get it right all the time!
Hope you have all had a great Sunday.  See you next time.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Don't know what's come over me today

Two posts in two days.  Totally unheard of!
Just thought I would stop buy just to make sure I am still talking to myself and to remind all you invisibles that I have a challenge going over on do crafts.

I will post a copy of my card here as soon as I get it ready.  I'm away to get a card done for my O/H it is afterall, Valentines day tomorrow.  What kind of crafter doesn't make a card for her O/H at Valentines?

See you soon

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Not doing very well with my New Year Resolution

So much for my New Year Resolution!   On the third of January I posted that I was going to make an effort to update my blog more often. It's now the 12 February and this is my first visit since then.  My excuse?  I have had a lot going on at work and home and as this blogging thingy isn't quite second nature yet, it still feels a bit like a chore.  Once I get more familiar with how it all works I am sure I will be visitng more often.

I have been working on colouring stamped images over the past few weeks.  Although I can see a bit of progress I can't seem to get skin tones that I am happy with.  What do you think?  Anyhow I am away for a while to work on a challenge on DC site.  I will be hosting the FF challenge from tomorrow so if you can join us, please drop by.